

Kit first came into my life as a foster pup during a trial separation of her and her sister to be sure that they would be comfortable being placed into different homes. Prior to being rescued by Sweet Paws Rescue, she and her sister were living in a junkyard here in Massachusetts year round. The freezing cold days, the scorching hot days, and no shelter other than a broken down truck and an old dog kennel barely suitable for a dog 1/4 of her size. From what I was told, she didn’t even have water unless it was from puddles after a rainstorm. 

When I brought Kit home, I asked a friend to meet me at the beach so that we could do an introduction with my other two rescues in a neutral space. Kit was a bit nervous, but overall did well. After a few days, it was already apparent that she was slowly figuring out her new space and how to be a dog. She would study what my other two dogs would do, and then sort of copy them. That being said, she was still pretty quiet, and had a very mild temperament. Since she is a large breed dog, this didn’t come as a huge surprise to me, but I still wanted some sign that she was happier in her new life.  About a week after fostering, the decision had been made that she was ready to find her forever home.  Well you can officially call me a  “foster fail”, because she wasn’t going anywhere.  I knew from the moment I met her, that if she did well during the trial separation she was staying right here with me and her two new “siblings.”

It seemed like something out of a movie, but the moment I asked her if she wanted to live with us for good, she went from melancholy Eeyore, to bouncy Tigger in 3 seconds flat! Up until that moment, she hadn’t so much as entertained playing with me or a toy, but all of a sudden she was bouncing around the room running laps and tossing toys up in the air along the way. She then ended her first “zoomie” session by running straight into my lap and knocking me over. From that day forward, she was a different dog. She now has brought the “puppy” out of my two rescues - my 13 year old and my very serious 7 year old, and together they “zoomie” regularly. We go on daily beach walks and hikes and she has become inseparable from her rescue siblings. My favorite thing is to see her sleeping completely upside-down on her back with her legs straight up in the air. It means the world to me to see how comfortable she has become in her new home. I am so thankful for her coming into my life. She makes me smile and laugh out loud constantly. When people see her they always ask her breed, and I respond that she is a gorgeous rescue mutt. She is the perfect example of why you should adopt.

Much love,


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