

Kaitlyn and I recently adopted a wonderful little dog from Sweet Pups Rescue. Her name is Lucy and she is amazing. We had been wanting to adopt a rescue dog for a while and were waiting for the right time. We decided to start looking into rescue organizations once we realized that we were going to be staying-at-home for an extended period of time due to the current health crisis. We sent applications out to multiple organizations. Sweet Paws was the only organization we heard back from. Although we were initially daunted by the intensity of the application process, we soon learned once we started working with our adoption coordinator Jen Sisson that it was only because Sweet Paws is dedicated to placing animals with loving, capable, and most importantly, informed parents. In these uncertain times, Sweet Paws made the adoption process not only simple from our end, but incredibly educational. We really felt like Sweet Paws got us ready to bring a young puppy into our home. We felt extremely comfortable working with Sweet Paws and more confident as new dog owners because of the their commitment to making sure we were ready. We are incredibly grateful to Sweet Paws for helping us through the process and for being the only rescue organization in the area seemingly still operating in these times. We are in love with Lucy and couldn't imagine life without her now. We want to extend a sincere thank you Jen and the entire Sweet Paws Rescue organization!

- Steven, Kaitlyn and Lucy

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